We all, from time to time, tend to look at a baby or toddler and compare them to someone else. Hopefully the person the child is being compared to is one, if not both of the child's parents. If neither of them, it may be a comparison to someone famous. From a parents point of view-you want to cry if someone thinks your kid looks like an ugly famous person AND you want to cry if someone thinks your kid looks like a beautiful famous person...because once you really stop and think about it - you understand that that's not really a compliment. Let's do the math: Your child looks like a beautiful famous person + the beautiful famous person looks nothing like you = YOU ARE UGLY! It's a crying shame to discover the harsh truth that this life has to offer at times! We all think that our children are the most beautiful things on the planet, whether others think they resemble the ugly famous or the beautiful famous, and with that being said, I do think that mine are the most beautiful on the planet! ..We all know where that leaves me, though...dum dum ti dum...beautiful famous + no resemblance = UGLY MAMA! (hey-it's ok! I'm good with that!...I've had 33yrs to accept it and I've come to terms :) So here are some of the people that Rissa has been called:
Gap Baby~~I have been told, a couple of times, that she could be a Gap Baby. Yeah..I can totally see that....but #1- any of my friends babies could too!! and #2-...a Gap Baby has to bring their "A" game at any given moment! When they wake up from a nap..SNAP! "A" game!!...This is a "B+" game! I don't know, something about this face makes me think she might would buckle under pressure!
The Gerber Baby~~More than any, she has been called the Gerber baby. It would be nice if that compliment were because of genetics!! Jane Seemore was the original Gerber Baby, ya know...and I swear, round it up a decade or two and she's nearing 80 yrs old!..she looks younger than me, though, that's what is sad!
Little Cindy Loo Who...This is the most recent comparison!! It is also the inspiration for this post!! Three people in a two week period, all on separate occasions, told me they thought she looked like Little Cindy Loo Who! I really thought that was funny and so ironic! And as funny as it is, to me, I think they are right!! I think that the one she most resembles out of these three is the little Who! Don't you? ...Who woulda knew?! Rissa looks like little Cindy Loo Who...who can't even tie her shoe...it's blue...and friday we went to the Zoo (we really did, I"ll post those pictures later-and you'll want to tune in for that one!...)...their eyes are both blue and chins dip down too! I started to feel excited about this for a second, thinking that b/c Cindy Loo Who is a cartoon character, cool! the whole 'equation' is now void...until I really thought about that; kid resembles a cute cartoon character + mom looks nothing like cute little cartoon character = ...oh never mind!!
**disclaimer- The material stated in this post is purely of out fun!! Tiff is not suffering from self esteem issues. Nor is she in need of comments that are obvious statement of pity for her looks. All is well, all is well.
13 years ago