Bippodi Boppity Boo!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

~~~Christmas Morning~~~

I took just a few pictures of Christmas Morning...BUT!...I did take them with my new camera:) All of the toys and fun stuff was really fun, but more importantly, we really enjoyed the true spirit of Christmas! We have loved the opportunity to spend quality time together as a family (Marty's off work for two weeks, as well as the kids) and reflect on our Savior's birth and life. His example. His love. I'm grateful for my Savior and love him with all my heart! I am thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ! For the guidance, peace and joy that living it brings to my life and our family. I know that Christ lives and that he loves me. I hope you all had as wonderful of a Christmas as we did!!

1 comment:

Methodical Wormer said...

Yay for Rockband! Santa brought that to our house too:)