Bippodi Boppity Boo!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Primative Can Opening and A Big Fluffy Parka!!

...Although it's been a blast hammering away at my cans with a knife, will SOMEBODY please remind me to buy a NEW CAN OPENER the next time I hit Target or Wal-Mart?!!!

Marty does treatment (speech therapy) with a little girl down the street. Her mom is the sweetest thing--she sends goodies or homemade Tamales (MY FAVORITE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!) home with Marty for us sometimes. This week he came home with two big fluffy coats (this one and a black one)! Rissa was scared of them until today! I don't blame her. They are very BIG and FLUFFY :) I seriously think, at first, that she was waiting for it to start walking around on it's own or bark or something!

Here she is with her NEW BFF, GEORGE!! Sorry've been out of town for TOO LONG!!...and HANNAH--she's just waiting for you to move back!


Jenny Roberts said...

Lovin' the fluffy coat.

Minta said...

Ohhh....she is tooooo cute!! That coat is just adorable on her!


hey tiffany...go buy a new can opener. hey, i'm just reminding you. :)
marissa has such a cute little smile.

Pamelia said...

Marissa is so cute!!!