Bippodi Boppity Boo!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

LOL....the other half of the story!

  1. Left Over Lunch
  2. Last One Left
  3. Later On Loser
  4. Lack Of Love (Brant's contribution to this post :) )
  5. Loser Obviously Losing
  6. Lobster On Lettuce
  7. Living On Legumes
  8. Lovers Only Love
  9. Liars Only Lie
  10. Look Out Lolligagger
Ok, so don't worry!! These are just some silly thoughts about what LOL could mean, it's not really what I've thought it means. Jacey, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I just couldn't come up with a Naughty One! So Anyway, I will now take a moment to let my guard down a bit, mix in some Humility & let go of my Pride. I take this time to say those words that we all should probably say at least once or maybe twice in our marriage..."Yes, honey. YOU were RIGHT. I was wrong !" or "You are the SMART one. I am the DUMB one!".....if that's not working for you, "You are the SUPREME being. I am the POOP ON THE SCUM AT THE BOTTOM LEFT HAND CORNER OF THE POND!".....Well, I definitely won't say the last of those...let me just say this to my wise, learned husband..." YOU ARE trendier than I and are "Cool" and are very knowledgeable in the ways of technology! Your texting knowledge AND ability amazes me and you were right about LOL!! I was wrong about LOL...I am still living in the 80's and am not current on my texting acronyms!! I now realize that I would not be able to continue existence on the face of this earth without you. You rule all. (LOL!)" ok, people, so I thought it meant, Lots Of Love! So if you have ever read comments from me and LOL totally didn't make sense, or you thought I was laughing at something that was special or sensitive, well, now you know why!!! how do you text Lots Of Love?!


windytots said...

Okay Missy...You know it's not nice to open doors where one can comment blue balls..Especially when the one often gets in trouble for her crafty thought process in the first place...Hmmmmm sooo...I'll take you up on your balls..LOL Lots of love... :) Tracy Have a super Thanksgiving.

Jenny Roberts said...

Lots of love totally makes sense. I like it. Maybe we should start a new trend. Too bad we can't make the "o" a heart and then we could put L - heart - L for lots of love. Does that even make sense?

Tiffany said...

Ok Tracy, We'll just close that door....but I WILL be bringing you those balls!!! I Loved your surprise visit today!!!!!

And Jenny, You are totally thinking like me!! I tried to see if I could put a heart in for the O, but I couldn't figure out how to do it! If anyone knows how let me know:)

oh--and Lindsay, thanks for the texting vocab lesson!!! I wrote them all down for future reference!!! LOL:)