Happy Birthday Amie!!Sat morning a few of us got together at the Cracker Barrel for breakfast to celebrate Amie's birthday!! I Loved eating all that Southern food!! Mom & I (& Rissa) shared pancakes, grits & eggs, ham & bacon!! Yumm!! It was a lot of fun! Amie is my Vt companion, but before that, she's a good friend! Happy birthday girl!! Some of the others went to see MAMA MIA! -but mom & I didn't go b/c neither of us wanted to end up in the foyer with the sweet little princess-Rissa's not really into musicals yet...not unless puppets are involved!! Amie, I hope you had a great day!

I'll phrase the following two pictures in two languages: western & southern.
Western: Amie, Kath, Allyson, Julie & Nancy..sitting on the east side of the table.
Southern: If you look down the table, go straight past four glasses of water and to the left you'll find Amie and Kath. Then look to the right, in and out of the salt & pepper and you'll see Allyson and then look around the ol menu and there we have Julie and Nancy.

Western: This is the west side of the table. On the right is Meema (my mom), Me, a beautiful flower (which is attached to Marissa's head by way of a band), Shelley & Natalie.
Southern: Douse-doe around the ketchup and then swing around the tall glass thing and you'll see Meemaw...then side shuffle up the table to see me, that flower baby and a blond named Shelley. Do a loopty-loop and bring it on back with Natalie sitting to on the side.

So I tried to be inconspicuous at lunch one day with Amie. I wasn't sure if she was a JACOB fan or an (let us all breath a dreamy sigh...aaaahhhhh) EDWARD fan. I forgot to ask her, but I think I got away with finding out who's side she's on without being too suspicious..how'd I do A? Anyway-I made an Edward shirt for myself and decided to make her one for her gift. I think I need to get a book on 'How to Iron-on for Dummies' b/c when I put my shirt on, my 'E' fell off. I was later sitting on the couch with Brant and he looks at my shirt and, with a weird look on his face, says, "Mom, who's
dward?" Yes, my friends, 20 mins b/f leaving for the breakfast, a very important piece of
Edward fell off!! I did, however, find the missing piece and iron it back on...and much to my surprise, it did stay attached the remainder of the day!

My Iron-on skillz really do suck!! Amie put her shirt on and plop! There goes a piece of the heart!! Luckily my mom was there to save the day!! It just so happens that she keeps super glue on hand for such emergencies!! (You just never know when your iron-on rhinestone is going fall off!!)

Me, Kathee & Natalie--it was so fun meeting Natalie! She's new in our ward and I'm super excited to get to know her better! Kathee's looking pretty hot in that scoop neck shirt!! Ooo-la-la!!

I am so stoked about the new book coming out in two weeks!! I already have the book pre-ordered and it'll be shipped to me that day, but I'm totally gonna be at the big event with everybody, wearing my Edward shirt!...that is, if the iron-on's don't fall off!! Maybe I should order a professionally made shirt b/c I'm not too sure mine will survive a washing!!
Our 12th Anniversary!!We decided to take advantage, once again, of my parents being in town and 'let' them keep the kids for us to go out. :) We went with the Christensens, to see the movie, Get Smart and then to dinner at Jimmy Buffet's Margarita ville. The movie was hilarious (and yes, there was a trailer for Twilight at the beginning!!) and the food was good. The company was alright...J/K!! We had a great time with Allyson & Peter!Oh-and one thing I would like to mention about Marty & I is that neither one of us EVER remember our anniversary! A couple of years ago Marty's sister, Janell, called to wish us a Happy Anniversary and apologized for being a day late!...Yeah. like, we TOTALLY skipped the entire day without even realizing it! I'm so thankful that Janell loves us enough to let us know when our special days are! It's been that way our whole marriage, so by now, it's always a competition to see 'who remembers first'! Last year Marty remembered on his way home from work and called and yelled it out as fast as he could b/f I realized it...anyway...this year I WON! I got home from volleyball around 11:00pm, I stayed up until midnight and at 12:03 am I gave him a kiss, told him happy anniversary and went to bed!! So here are some pict's from our date night.

Marty & I...fuzzy! What the heck did I push to make all...most of my pictures turn out fuzzy?

Westgate-waiting for our buzzer to go off. The guys went to some sport store while Allyson & I took this time to mess with my camera to figure out what 'got pushed' to make all of my pictures turn out so fuzzy!!

So after taking random pictures of people (and getting nasty looks from them), we took a few pictures of ourselves to test our photography skills!

I think I finally ordered a better meal than Marty! His food ALWAYS looks and tastes better than what I order...but not this time!! I ordered the steak / shrimp plate and I swear that was the best steak EVER!! I did Share it though...I'm not that mean!