About a week before my parents, aka Meema & Peepa, came out, Jacob called mom's cell phone and left a message on her voice mail. He was pretty much pleading with every fiber in his body for her to PPPllleeasse buy him a SNAIL when they got to our house (uummm can anybody say "..too much Spongebob Square pants?!! Particularly the episode where his pet snail, Gary is the star of the show!). So of coarse within the first 24 hrs of their arrival, we welcomed 4 snails into our family! One for Brant, one for Jacob, and while they were here, one for each of the two nephews that came with them to visit. I can't remember all of their names, but I know that Brants is Squidword and Jacob's is Gary. Anyway--they have been lovely little pets! They don't pee on the carpet they don't need catnip to get a high and when they poo...well, you don't need a pooper scooper! (And did I mention how quiet they are :) )? Ok--So here are a few pictures. I think the little boogers like it here...they should really just be happy that no one has yanked them out of their nice, cozy shells yet!!
So I took this picture tonight (sorry about the crappy camera folks!). I took it b/c little Mr Squidword on the right wasn't laying flat; HE was actually balanced on the very edge of HIS shell! It looked much cooler looking at it with a clear view--but anyway--I guess a snail can manage cool tricks like that being in the water! When I took the picture, HE totally took off to sit by his buddy when the flash went off!
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