I have a ton of pictures on my cell phone. Many of them are there b/c something was going on that I wanted captured but didn't have my camera on hand. Earlier tonight (much earlier, I might add), I found myself scrolling through all of these pictures. Some made me laugh and some made me cry. I want these to be a part of this when I print it out, so I decided to email them to my mailbox, download them onto the laptop and then tell about them. These are just the cutest and most important of the 100 or so that are saved on my phone.

This is my Nana! I love this picture and wish I could enlarge it and make it brighter and better! I love her in this hat! She is a hat hottie! I love that she's a fashionable, makeup wearin, glittery grandma...Nana (she prefers the N word over the g word). This picture also is special to me b/c of where it was taken, who all I was with when it was taken...time, place, everything! This past New Year's,2008, we were home visiting and one night Marty & I went to eat at one of our favorite restaurants, California Dreaming. We went with all three of my brothers and their wives, my mom & dad and Nana & Papa. During dinner, at one point, Nana & Papa took some time to express their love for us and just share some of their feelings for our family. It was one of those moments that I will always treasure. With an extended family as large as ours, I really don't remember a time that just our family has been with them like that. I love them so much. I'm glad I snapped this shot of Nana! (However, next time, I'll use my real camera!

This was all Jacob's doing! he came out of the bathroom and said, "Look mom! I look look Peepa now!!" Ok--that was hilarious!...It's Peepa's comb-over! (Which for the record, I'll just say that Peepa has cut them off and looks dashingly handsome!)

To the right is Jacob and Ms. Dinessa. She was his aide, at school, for two years I think. Last year she was in Nursing school and so wasn't working at the school anymore. She loved Jacob soo much that she totally remembered his birthday last year and came up to the school to give him a gift and gets lots of hugs and kisses from him! Man was he excited to see her!

When you're tired, and it's just too bright, pull down the shade...or the head band works, too!! She would do this every time she fell asleep in her car seat during the day!

I don't know how old Rissa was here but she's such a dang cute little stink butt!! I could just eat those chunky little cheeks up!!

Here's Brant in Mrs. Bains 4th grade class last Christmas, 2007. I went into his class to help with the super duper fun, decorate a Gingerbread House activity!! Here's his yummy house!! He's quite a creative chap!

This is the splotchy rash that developed on my right hand at the beginning of this summer (June 2008). It, along with many other symptoms like, fatigue, muscle aching, joint pains, dizziness, some memory loss problems and a few other things were the start of a lot of blood tests, MRI's and some X-rays. It kinda brings tears to my eyes to think about b/c it was pretty stressful for me at times. For the first six weeks of the summer, all I knew was that the Autoimmune Disease Test (ANA) was positive and my kidney's didn't seem to be functioning to full capacity. DR's thought my diagnosis was a toss up between Lupus and Fybromyalgia. After two visits to the Rhumetologist and giving 13 viles of blood to the Phlebotomist, it has been determined that my diagnosis is Fybromyalgia! I've started medication and it seems to be helping. Baby steps right, (that's what the Dr. says it will take)....It's sad that we sometimes forget how blessed and fortunate we are for good health until something like this scares us. I'm so grateful that this is something that I can live with.

This was Rissa's first 'buggy' ride...and yes, I said, BUGGY! It's not a cart or pushy-basket, or whatever the westerners think it is!..it's a BUGGY!!

This is, I think, the only picture I've ever taken with NO BANGS! I've always had an insecurity with not having bangs and I don't know why. I TRY to grow them out, Jessica-my dear friend and hairdresser for years--knows this!!-but I always end up chopping them off again!! So here's a picture. maybe one day I'll learn to leave them alone until they're long enough to not bug me so much!

Where's Rissa?? If you look, you'll see Rissa on her first 'ride' all by herself! This was taken a few weeks ago at Peter Piper Pizza. I took an idea from my good friend, Jenny; We started "Positive Pebbles" with our kids this summer. It is just a way to reward them for their positive attitudes and deeds. When both of their jars are filled, they get to each choose a friend to take to PPP (...well, that was the reward this first time. From now on, we'll probably give them a couple of things to choose from.) A/W, it's really helped the kids transition back into school w/homework and all. Brant invited Tyler and Jacob invited Bryan...I didn't get pictures of them though, just Rissa...sad, I know!