As I said, there were several families driving up around the same time. We and the Christensen's decided to just follow each other up, so we left super early in the morning and drove straight through.
One of our stopping points---this was too beautiful not to take some pictures!!
Rissa and Luke :)
All went smoothly til we came across an accident....... Once we hit Filmore, we ended up stopped, sitting on the interstate for...well, honestly I'm not sure how long. Maybe an hour.?. We kinda had fun, so I didn't even pay attention to the time! Fun? well, maybe not FUN, but we had our friends right behind us, so it was way better than sitting there by ourselves!
...So back and forth we ran to each other's car! some guys got out and just strolled up and down the side of the interstate, while another guy decided to crush a few golf balls out into the desert! Me? I sat in the back and watched a movie with the kids while letting Rissa climb from the front seat to the back, front to the back, front-back.....I must say that after being in her carseat so much, she loved the freedom!
We didn't know for a long while what was going on b/c the interstate was backed up so far that you couldn't see anything at first. Before too long we saw tons of black smoke and then the fire trucks and all and we realized that something horrible had happened! It's blury, but Marty pulled it up on his Blackberry. A Semi-truck ran into the back of another, catching the engine on fire. In turn, the other caught fire too. The drivers were Air-Vac'd to a hospital.
Allyson I know has better pictures b/c I turned around and she was hanging out the drivers window snapping shots!! I was sitting in the back, on the opposite side of our car, so this is as good as I got. I think you get the point of how bad the accident was though.
Our arrival...
Tiff, it was SO GOOD to see you while you were up here in Utah!
Next time you come up you call me!!
I have a picture of Greg and Cody in that same spot in Kanab from a couple of years ago.
Grandmas are the best.
Is Rissa grabbing Luke's bum in that picture? That is adorable!
hahaha!!! allyson and I laughed our heads off about Rissa and Luke!!! She wasn't grabbing his butt, more like...patting it!! LOL!!!
Love the family photos - love Rissa's piggys. She is a show stealer!
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