Bippodi Boppity Boo!

Monday, March 23, 2009

That's One BIG Lemon you got there.....

Rissa wouldn't touch them...

Jacob had to compare them to his Head....

And Brant had to wear them!

so Yesterday after church, Marty gets in the car with two HUGE Lemons!! He had gotten them from our friends, the Chou's!! (Thanks for producing such big citrus, and sharing, Chou Family!!) I must say, I wonder what the heck Kent is feeding his tree!!! I think Miracle Grow is an understatement! Maybe he has some secret Asian herbal concoction that he has not shared with anyone..hhmmmmm. A/W I haven't cut into either of them yet b/c, frankly, I'm not only amazed at the size of them, but I'm not super sure what to do with them...we're talking about a lot of Lemony goodness there!! I think I will probably do what I always do with fresh lemons (that I don't know what to do with)...freeze them in ice cubes so we can eat them and add them to sugar free cool-aid!! Any other ideas people, let me know :)


windytots said...

Use them as weapons!!

Coordination Queen said...

lemon merengue pie? I like making fresh lemonade.

Beth Borup said...

Holy HUGE lemons!!! Oh, I would definitely be making some homemade lemonade - yum!

Jenny Roberts said...

those are huge!

Christi said...

Ok, those are ridiculously large! I'd be scared to cut in...
And Rissa is getting cuter and cuter!
And my friend is from Gilbert, AZ.