Monday, March 30, 2009
And the Winner Is.....
Blogger CONTEST!!!!!..but NOT Much Time!!
OK!!! There's A LOT of PECKING and a lot of CHIRPPING going on in some of these EGGS!!!! I know there's definitely ONE, but I'm thinking maybe about three eggs are well on their way to HATCHING!!! So here's the deal:
Leave me a comment guessing which # EGG will hatch FIRST, and you will win yourself a CUSTOMIZED BLOG AWARD!! One that you can put permanently on your blog! One that will show the blogging world what a WINNER you are!! It will be a One-of-a-kind! And if that's not enough, I'll also throw in a Cadbury Egg (local winners only, sorry out-of-Staters, but hey, I will send you a Cadbury Egg to post on your blog, though:)) for the winner(s)!! ..
1-Leave a comment with your guess of which # Egg will hatch FIRST
2- you may enter up to THREE guesses
3-each guess must be submitted in a separate comment
4-There can be more than one winner! It will be anyone who, in their three guesses, guesses the correct number!
Seriously, there's probably only a few days ..if that, so get guessing!!! --oh and click on the picture to enlarge it if you want a closer, more detailed look!!
**Tracy, if you are reading this, and have enlarged the photo, the temp. is 10 degrees too cold only because it was open for me to label the eggs:) I'm not trying to freeze the little boogers LOL
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Happy Birthday To Me....
J-LO!!! Yes, we're buds, we got to be good friends back in the day! She loves me so much she went out of her way to send me a special birthday gift in the mail....
...uumm, once I opened it, I realized she was just late sending me a Christmas gift!...what's up with that J-Lo?!
Friday a bunch of my friends surprised me with a Birthday Lunch at Raouls & Theresa's! I totally want to tell every little detail about friends lieing to me off and on all week to get out of doing things with me on Friday, people ignoring b/c they were so afraid they would 'give the surprise away on accident'....Brea & Allyson running low across the parking lot (carrying Brock in his car seat, mind you!) undetected so they could be inside to surprise me! When that happened, Jessica, trying to find anything she could to keep me from seeing them, starts showing me her empty contact solution bottle and goes into depth about how the bubbling action eats away at all the crap on the lens ...and it just works so fabulously...and that she needs to get a new bottle. I won't go into all of that detail...but all of that detail sure made for a fun day!!
Brea, me, Amie & MeKayla

Marty sent me the beautiful flowers on the left and Jessica brought me the beautiful ones on the right!! Cards came from family members and friends.
Denise made ?...gave me an awesome apron!! She knows me well...I LOVE IT!! And Allyson and Brea gave me the Capri Sun bag!! and my favorite, Sweet Pea foam soap!! (Allyson has been wanting to make one for herself for, like, a year--so I was very touched by their gift). I am so blessed with great friends!! Thanks to everyone..including all of my facebook friends who left messages for me there!! I love you all and appreciate you!! Jessica, thanks for putting together the birthday sneaky little devil:)--It really means a lot to me that you did all of this for me.
A huge thanks to JENNY for keeping all those kids!! YOU ROCK!!
**Mom & Dad, thanks for your gift too!! You both mean the world to me and I couldn't have ever had greater parents than you!! Love you so much and can't wait to see you in a few months!!
Other people who share my birthday: Tawney, Darby, the cashier at Albertson's, 'Uncle' Jeff, Bro Thrower, Gabe Quiroz, Joseph E.,
Friday, March 27, 2009
Patiently Awaiting...
As for the Lady bugs, well, they all have come out of their cocoons! We held a 'Let the Ladybugs Go Free" ceremony the other day. They were so beautiful! I was so proud!! The oldest one of them didn't even want to snack..he just jumped into the wind and flew like a brave! The others spent time in our rose bush before heading out on their journey.
Our Tadpoles are ALL still alive and thriving! Chubbs (my favorite..he always kisses at me through the glass :), Bean pole, Champ and Cyclone are their names. We're still Patiently awaiting legs to pop out! I will give them all a little photo shoot soon so we can marvel at their growth!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Swimming over Spring Break
Tyler preferred the 'sink in slowly' method!...
Brant decided that 'float on the crab' was the best method...
Brian was the first brave soul in. He chose the 'cannonball method'! He was also the first to start grabbing rocks off the bottom of the pool! These would the bazillion rocks that little Ms. Pris, Marissa Lynae Joyner, has thrown in the pool over the past month or so!!
She's so badly wanting to throw the whole pile back in there...while she watches all of her hard work come unraveled!!
So here's the "Rissa did it" pile! Golf balls, scoop, several dog bones, a couple of Thomas trains were in there....and believe it or not, there's STILL MORE IN THE POOL!! Not too much more, but there is some in the deep in that was a little harder for the kids to get b/c of the cold water. Thanks to all you kids, YOU ROCK!!!! (pun intended :)
Monday, March 23, 2009
That's One BIG Lemon you got there.....
so Yesterday after church, Marty gets in the car with two HUGE Lemons!! He had gotten them from our friends, the Chou's!! (Thanks for producing such big citrus, and sharing, Chou Family!!) I must say, I wonder what the heck Kent is feeding his tree!!! I think Miracle Grow is an understatement! Maybe he has some secret Asian herbal concoction that he has not shared with anyone..hhmmmmm. A/W I haven't cut into either of them yet b/c, frankly, I'm not only amazed at the size of them, but I'm not super sure what to do with them...we're talking about a lot of Lemony goodness there!! I think I will probably do what I always do with fresh lemons (that I don't know what to do with)...freeze them in ice cubes so we can eat them and add them to sugar free cool-aid!! Any other ideas people, let me know :)
Friday, March 20, 2009
Parker Pooh, We Love YOu!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Additions to Our Family!!
Tracy, Thanks So MUch!!! The boys are so excited about all of the new additions to our family!! We are so grateful for these opportunities to watch nature in action!! You rock and we love ya! We'll let you know when things start cracking the shells:)
This weekend, I caught this awesome Lizard---single handed!!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
We found Jacob face down in the grass

Substitute Ladies Side of the Story: She was getting in her car and as she turned to sit down in it, she looks across the way and sees this child laying face down in the grass! She jumps out of her car and runs over to him and while she's lightly shaking him on the arm and back, says, "Little boy! Little boy! Are you OK? Are you OK?!" With no response, she runs into the Nurses office. She tells Jenny that she's not even sure if the child's breathing!! That's when Jenny yelled for me.
Jacob's Side of the Story: "I was walking along the side walk to come find you and someone shot me from a bush! Right in the Heart! I'm so happy!...I thought I wouldn't see you again for a long, long time!! You and Ms. Jenny saved my life!!!"