This year we bought some season passes to the new Water Park~~Wet~N~Wild!!
Meema &
Peepa kept
Rissa home with them, so that left the rest of us free to stay as long as we wanted!! Honestly, I didn't get many pictures b/c I couldn't carry my digital around while we were riding, and at the end of the day, frankly, I was just too tired to walk too far to snap some shots....but here are a few.
Jacob & Kas in front of the "kids" section:) Just for the record, there were a lot of adults in and out of here all day long--and it was fun:) Note to self: Most of us chose the Tornado (blue & orange -looks yellow but it is orange FUNNEL in the left background) as our Favorite Ride. [It is an Adult ride, it's just behind the kid stuff]
The only thing I can say about this picture is that I had so much fun with Brant and Kas and they look great here:)
We lucked out and found a whole row of empty lounge chairs right near the wave pool.
Nikole Lounging after a long, hard day of fun!! We went down some super fun slides, floated on the lazy river about 20 times, laid out, went up against the Wave pool numerous times, ate and went through tons of water bottles and drinks! After about nine hours of fun like that, WE WERE ALL POOPED!!!!
~The Wave Pool~

The kids are trying to block Jacob in for a picture, but he just can't resist the next wave that's coming!!
Marty's looking pretty buff here! ...I'm not sure what the cowgirl chick is doing in the background...probably thinking, "Suck my tummy in so I look good and buff when this girl puts me on her blog!"
Jacob's favorite was the pool! He LOVED diving into the waves!