So here are a few pictures from our Ward Christmas Party. It was last Friday Night and our family really enjoyed it! The food was so yummy, Hawaiian BBQ!! We have always wanted to eat there, but never have and it was so good! Jacob took a bite of the steak and kept grunting and moaning while he was eating. Next thing we know, he's standing up shouting, "I LOVE BEEF!! UUUMMMM! I LOVE BEEF!" I think he made it three rounds before he put the fork down!

I LOVE Allyson!! She's one of my closest friends and I appreciate her friendship so much!

Peter and baby Brock!! I have to really concentrate when I say his name! I'm learning to spit it out and say it fast b/c if I say it too slowly it comes out, Barack! I just realized I haven't dedicated a post to him!! I will get some cutesie pictures from Allyson and do that soon.

SAY WHAT?!! Marty ...well, I'm not sure what was going on here.

Brian & Brant being goofy~~

McKylah looked so, so stinkin cute!! I had to snap a shot of her! She looks like a little Gap Baby here!!

this was a fun time of the night. We all sang the 12 Days of christmas. Each section of the cultural Hall had a different day. These are the kids in our group waiting for their moment to shout out "SIX GEESE A LAYING!!" least I think that's what our group had. Anyway--it was fun once everyone joined in!

Marty and Peter (background) with their babies...Marty's baby ain't a baby anymore though...:( that's so sad how fast our babies grow!
~~ Brant's Honor Choir Christmas Concert & Party!!~~ The Night of Our Christmas Concert
Kiera, Brooklyn, Emily, Ashlyn, Tyler & I. These kids are all in our ward. It is so nice to have such great kids for Brant (& Jacob) to associate with!! I totally love them and have fun watching them together!

Brant posing on the floor...I don't really know why, except that when all of these kids get together, something weird happens that causes them to do strange, strange things!

Rissa the Reindeer & Brant after the concert.

Jacob, Hayden, Tyler & Brant after the concert.

Hayden & Jacob Jacob is in love with Hayden!! Sometimes this strikes up a little contention betweem Brant & Jacob b/c Brant & Hayden have been really good friends for a couple of years now. This year they have several classes together, too. Jacob is just starting to realize this and is learning "we can all be friends"! I am always reminding him that "you cannot have a girlfriend until you are Daddy's age!". Now when he wishes on a star, he wishes he could 'be daddy's age'!!
At home after the conert...

The last day of Choir for 2008--cupcake party after school
This is everyone discussing who will hold Rissa next as well as how long they each have with her. Hayden and Hannah had her the most. They all love Rissa and go crazy every time I bring her up to the school!

Hannah trying to steal Rissa from Brant...she did that alot but Rissa didn't seem to mind! Honestly, I think she just loved all the attention from the girls (and just a guess, but I don't think Brant minded the attention either!)

Hannah & Rissa

Hayden & Jacob. Hayden is really an awesome girl! Jacob wanted to give her something for Christmas, so he gave her a little bracelet with Christmas pictures on it. She gave him a stuffed snowman. She wrote him a note that said 'You are my best friend'. I don't think she'll ever realize how much that meant to him.

All the girls pushed Brant in the stroller and treated him like cute little baby!

Tyler tried to hop a ride on Brants lap but slid right off! Hayden pushed Brant all around the room while the kids all followed behind, laughing. It was a bit ridiculous but pretty funny to watch...the kids were having fun anyway!!