Life has been super duper crazy, to say the least, lately!! End of the year school stuff, scouts, baseball, Girls camp stuff, lots of GNO's for friends b-day's and going away parties :(...and much much more. The same crazy busy stuff that everyone else is doing too!! Because I do intend on printing this into a scrapbook, I will update on just a few things and in time, will hopefully get caught up:)~Honor Choir Concert~
As a
family, we all went to support
Brant in singing with the
Honor Choir! A few weeks ago was their End-of-the-Year Concert! I
lOved it!! They sang
songs from tons of
Musicals: Sound of Music, High School Musical, Mary Poppins and my all time favorite-
The King and I!!!
During one of the songs, all of the Choir kids received a
rose from the Principle and came out into the crowd to give it to their of those proud
moms would be ME:) So this was my beautiful yellow/red rose! It brought
tears to my eyes! Brant also had a part that he and Emily did together he did an
awesome job on it!! I
love Brant so much and am so
proud of his accomplishments. I didn't even get a picture of
him in his Choir outfit b/c we had to make a mad
dash out of there to get to his
baseball game (busy kid--I'll post baseball in another post)!!
He truly
blesses my life!! Thanks Brant!
~Stranded Birdie~
One day we found a little baby
birdie stranded on our waterfall and the
boys wanted to be sure that I
include him in this post! Brant & Jacob
got him off and gave him lots of
TLC! By the next morning, he was
feeling much better and had
flown away to be with his family:) The boys were
excited that
maybe they had
helped him a little so he could fly again!
~Teacher Appreciation Week~
Two weeks ago was
Teacher Appreciation
Week at the
kids school. Each day there were
little things the kids could do and
take to their teachers to show their
appreciation. I totally and completely
flopped on this one!! I'm usually
lovin it and on top of things, but
that same week was all
prep work for our big Fundraiser for Girls Camp. This was the
best I could do...Chocolate (& Reese's) Covered Apples. I
crushed up tons of Reese's PB Cups & Peanuts then
rolled them in it. I really do appreciate
ALL of the kids teachers!!! I really do wish I
could've done more for them!!! The kids love taking
goodies to their teachers and I do know
they appreciate them as well!
~Girls Camp Fundraiser~
cakes cakes

this was what we did for our Girls Camp Fundraiser!! We sold Mother's Day Cakes...143 of them!!! I really have
loved being Camp Director--- even
with all of the work that is involved! The girls did an
AMAZING job!! They sold 143 cakes,
decorated them all and
boxed them all up! We were only shy one of our
girls, and we all got them
cranked out and done in a matter of about
three hours!! AMAZING!! I was most excited
that I had 'guess-t-
amated' almost exactly how much
frosting we would need! I was worried about it, b/c we had Chocolate and Vanilla and I have
never had to live up to such a
huge order before:) It was really a great experience and I think the girls enjoyed it as well! My
head is still on Camp stuff, but I am able to pay a little more attention to my family now:)
Thanks to them for being so patient with me!! Also, thanks to everyone who bought, ate, helped or just donated!! Amie & Jeni
thanks for the 'Make Frosting" Party! You helped me a ton and saved me a ton of time!! Rachel, You're an amazing cake decorator!
Thanks for coming and teaching all of us some of your '
skilz'!! Allyson--
thanks for taking my kids a couple of times that week!! You're a life saver...really, thanks to everyone!! Thanks also to my Tent Moms!! Love you!
~Student Of the Month~Brant and Jacob were
both Student Of The Month, last month, at school!!! It was perfect b/c Marty,
Rissa & I were able to go and see them both
recognized during the same assembly!! (It was also perfect, b/c Marty had totalled his car & we only had one car at the time...but I'll post more on that later, too!) I would totally post pictures, but
ahhuuummmm!! I'll post them as soon as I get them --
There are several other things that I want to post about, but my
eyes and fingers are hurting and in
shock b/c all of the sudden, I'm at the computer again, after 2-3 weeks!! I'll let them rest and then
catch up on the rest at a later date:)