Monday, April 28, 2008
Twighlight Movie Post!!!!!
Cara & Chy come to Visit!!

A couple of days after getting home from our California trip, Cara & Chy and their four children, Trent, Brittany, Abby & Peyton came to visit! Cara is our niece (from Marty's family) who is just a little bit younger than us and our kids are around the same ages so it's always fun to get together with them!! Since they live in Utah, I let Brant and Jacob skip school to be able to spend time with them...which of coarse, they had NO objections to!! We played at the park, ate some lunch, went to the Glendale Arena and walked around and got ice cream at Cold Stone, picked up food from Raoul & Theresa's (yum!!) and just enjoyed the rest of the evening together. The guys goofed around with the kids, watched some basketball game ( clue who was playing...) and of coarse had to have Guitar Hero Battles!! Cara & I gave the babies a bath and had so much fun chit chatting and playing with the babies! We LOVED seeing them so much that we even sent them on their way with a big 'ol bag of BOILED PEANUTS!!!! Now ya'll know how much we love our boiled (bold!ha!)peanuts and that the only time we get 'em is when Meema & Peepa bring 'em to us (they brought me 4lbs to California!!YOU ROCK MOM!))...and so for us to give 'em a whole bag...well that shows our love for our family!.."We love 'em more than a fat stinky pig loves his squooshy dirty 'ol mud bath! well, just the thought of those yummy peanuts brings out the true southern girl in me!! So with that being said, I'll end with these few words to Cara, Chy & family: "Ya'll come back, now, ya'hear!"
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
It Was One Of Those Days
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Marissa's first Photo Shoot by Amy
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Our Trip to California
Peepa & Rissa snuggling together
Wow Meema that's a Sour Lemon..but I Love it!!
Uncle Jimmy, , Paige (his daughter & her fiance), Uncle Steve
Jacob loves singing songs to Marissa!! He helped entertain her while we waited on our food. Thanks Jacob!!
Melody & Darby ...and Jenn in the background!
~~Venice Beach~~
~~Disney Land~~ Jacob was Soo excited to be at Disney Land! We have been to Disney World several times, but he was too young to remember, so for him, this was like his first time!
Me and my cousin, Erin. It was so fun seeing and spending time with her!!!
The Three Muskateers back together again!!! Me, Melody & Erin had so much fun with each other and our kids!
I wasn't sure if Jacob would like the swings or if he'd hate them...but he really wanted to try, so we did! ...and he LOved it!!
Jacob becomes a Jedi Knight!!

Jacob's Highlight of the trip was being trained and sworn in as a Jedi Knight at Disney Land!! He, along with several others were chosen to be trained. He took this responsibility VERY seriously (and believe me, you could see it in his face how serious he was!)! As his final test, he fought Darth Maul with the light saber routine that he was taught. At the end, he threw in a couple of his own moves...including trying to throw Darth Maul across the stage with THE FORCE! Everyone loved it and cheered him on!!
I think I'm becoming obsessed!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
My First Post!
For all of our beloved friends who we have not seen in several years, I'll just list some things that we as a family have experienced in the past five years since we've left our hometown:
---We moved far, far away, built a house, Marty started his own Bi-Lingual Speech Business, Hulk-pet gerbil dies & gets thrown in dumpster (funny story), Jacob had near drowning, Brant starts playing baseball, Tiff takes pottery classes, Brant adopts our dog-Max, Jacob escapes again from house and is found on sidewalk of busy street, Marty called to Elders Quorom Pres again, Tiff grads from Nail School,many trips to Utah, Nevada, California & all over Arizona, ward splits and Marty's back in Elders Quorom...again, adopt a pyscotic BOY puppy, Lindsay tells us it's a GIRL puppy, GIRL puppy "goes to live with nice little ol man and little ol lady", and last year we welcomed our beautiful baby sister-Marissa-into our family!! So that brings us up-to-date! Marty is still contracting into schools but in a different district this year, still serving in Elders Quorom Pres (smile)& coaching Brant's baseball team. I quit working at the Salon when Marissa was born and am staying home now. I am a teacher in RS and LOVE it! Brant is in the 4th grade, playing baseball, pitching some which he is excited about, playing piano and enjoying Scouts. Jacob is in the 2nd grade (mainstreams into reg ed class most of the day!), loves to write and draw, just finished his bowling league, and enjoys scouts. And finally, our little smiley face chubb nugget, Marissa, is climbing up the stairs and pulling up on everything! She has been such a joy to all of us! ok-- so thats it for now...that's all. I will end this entry so that I will something to say on my next one (heehee)! TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)