Bippodi Boppity Boo!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Time to Dance!!!

It's late and I'm really tired, but I wanted to get some photos and the awesome video (thanks to Jenny:) posted. The photos are from my cell and so they aren't coming out big. I will try to jazz them up tomorrow by maybe making a collage with them or something cutesie! Marissa is Loving LOVING!! her Tap/Ballet class with her "best girl friends"!! She loves Sara and Olivia and then she made friends with the little girl dancing beside her too and has been asking about her. It's sooo stinkin cute and I'm loving this!!!!


*Lindsey* said...

Oh my gosh, I think that video is the sweetest thing I've ever seen! What cute little ballerinas!

jfishmag said...

My Bailey is taking her first dance class! Her class is called "Two Much Fun"! They dress up in costumes and learn dances and have a tea party at the end of each class. It really is so cute!