Bippodi Boppity Boo!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Just a couple of Girls Camp photos.....

Sunday, June 21, 2009
I really don't have time right now to post all of my Girls Camp Photos because I have to go prepare my YW's LESSON:) , but I thought I'd just give you all a sweet little taste of the memories of our awesome adventures at Girls Camp!!! On the way home from camp, my car load of girls consisted of four beautiful YW. Of the four, three had nausea all the way home and of those three, one..we won't mention any names.....Uhhuummm..Kaceeeee....;) needed to pull over to the side of the road a few times. The second time we pulled over, Sis. Eich decided to climb through a barbed-wire fence to go Pee-pee in the woods. She made it to the "other side" ok, but when she was finished with her 'business', she totally got her crotch hooked on the Bobbed-wire!!! These are two photos I took of Sis. Taylor trying to "UNBOB" her!!... .....


We're glad you're UNHOOKED SIS. EICH!!! We're also thankful that Sis. Taylor is a member of the EBWRS....."Emergency Bobbed Wire Rescue Squad"!! Be sure to give them both a big "high five" when you see them at church!

...More Girls Camp Photos to follow............


Kurt, Christine and kids said...

Those pictures look even better on the blog than on your phone. I'm so sad I missed that experience. TJ and Dawn will never forget that event in their lives. haha!!
I'm so sorry that Kacee got sick on the way home in your car. But, thankful that she was with you and that you took care of her. She just loves you!!!

Meghan said...

Oh my goodness! I am sure that TJ is so excited about this post!!!

Anonymous said...

that is awesome! Can't wait to see T.J. today