Tuesday, April 28, 2009
A Little Girl & her Potty....And Her Weird-O Mom
.....I wonder if MY mother SPITS in the toilet.......do you?...Mom? ........Nana? ....do You?.....
Monday, April 27, 2009

Blessed are ye because of your faith. And now behold, my joy is full. 3 Nephi 17:20
"This is one of my favorite moments in the Book of Mormon. After stating this, Jesus simply spends some time blessing and interacting with the children, while angels descend out of heaven. In this piece, I wanted to depict our Savior in that moment of "full joy". I see Him smiling and laughing spontaneously, filled with so much love for those young people, to the point of weeping for joy (as it mentions in the record He did). If its human nature to manifest feelings of joy and love in that way... then I have to believe that would especially be the case for the One who is the embodiment of every good and righteous instinct of human nature."
~Dave Bowman~
I Love it!! www.bowman-art.com
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Happy Birthday BRANT!!!!
...wearing his protective glasses
...enjoying a little snack via feeding tube
It was hard for me, at times, b/c I was recovering from Pre-Eclampsia and an Emergency C-Secton, but I remember sitting in the NICU with him for hours just about everyday! Marty would drop me off at the Hospital on his way to USC. My mom, with her wisdom, did put her foot down a few times, and make me stay home to get the rest that I needed. I just couldn't wait until we could bring him home with us!!
Peepa & Meema loved going to sit with him in the NICU!! Brant didn't facny the feeding tube too much!
Our new little family! So young...so nieve....so much thinner! I'll never forget the joy and emotions and love of our first baby!!
This morning we started the day off with our traditional "Birthday Breakfast In BED!". His breakfast consisted of Cocoa Pebbles, Chocolate Milk, mini candy bars and Butterscotch Pudding that he's been wanting for a week!! Brant also got some gifts. Torpedo Battle Ship and a Portable Skateboarding Rail were the big presents he opened. He couldn't have been more excited...well, if it weren't Sunday he would have been more excited...but he's totally excited to wake up a little earlier in the morning to hit the rail before school!!
Brant, we love you so much!!! We are so proud of your accomplishments and are so thankful for your sweet, thoughtful, loving, fun personality!! We are so thankful and blessed to have you in our family!!!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Our Baby Chick is a Toddler!!
In just about all of the pictures I've taken of Fluff, Rissa's hand is somewhere in the picture...the nurturing hand of a mother, protecting her chick!
Max still isn't too sure about this new addition. He can sense the competition!! We love our Max, though, and have just tried to reassure him that he will always be part of our family!!
Brant & Jacob love Fluffy too, they just don't care to hold him as much as Rissa & I do. For them, it's mostly when friends are over that they like to hold him a lot. Skateboarding, drawing, baseball, building with Legos, modeling with Clay & video games-on the weekend, are things that they are enjoying the most these days.
Monday, April 6, 2009
A Few More Spring Break Pictures
I LOVE the beauty of the desert at this time of year!!
I LOVE my wonderful, loving husband!!
I LOVE the Saguaro Cactus!! As you drive (or hike) through the desert, they just look like happy people standing there with their arms out waving!! Call me Artistic...or Crazy, but they each have their own little 'personalities' and I just can't help but smile when I look at them!! Don't worry, I don't go around talking to them or naming them or anything!!
After spotting a few snakes on/near the path, I suggested we each grab a stick to have 'just in case' we needed one. Mine didn't last too long! It was forked at the end and I chucked it after about two mins:)
Marty thinks he's awesome here posing, b/c he found the cool stick! It really was the perfect stick to hike with! Even more importantly, it would was the perfect weapon to use against anything long and slimy that might get in our way!! After about three mins, he gave it to me:) We women always get our way:) haha...he really is thoughtful like that, but, in all honesty, I didn't make him give it to me! I think he just didn't really want to carry one! It was a fun date and I loved our time together! Thanks babe!
I took a few pictures of us bowling over our break, too. This was Rissa's first visit to the Bowling Alley, that she can remember. This is always a fun family outing!