BE ALL YOU CAN BE, CAMP MOQUI"BE STRONG and of GOOD COURAGE" Girls camp was so much fun this year!! I was esp excited to have Nikole come with me!! She already knew some of the girls from staying with us last summer, so I think she really enjoyed getting to know them better too.
We were #1 after repelling down a cliff:)

I love the amphitheater area at camp! There are beautiful Aspen trees all around and it is absolutely magnificent!! Camp this year was a little later in the summer, so we ended up there for Monsoon season. Rain and some storming but we were also able to enjoy some beautiful Rainbows too!! A couple of times the rainbows came while we were amongst the aspens, it was moments like that that I could have sat there for hours just to marvel at the beautiful things in nature that the Lord has blessed us with!

We hiked to the lake where we swam, canoed, kayaked, did some 'cliff' jumping (large boulder jumping:) and just had a great time with our ward.

My third years and I made pizzas and a cool
s'mores dessert over campfire. yum yum:)

Emma was a tough little cookie! She's the youngest in our
yw, but she repelled down the
cliff-side without even breaking a sweat! Gayla! This is my comic relief buddy! She always makes me laugh:)

So my dear friend from another ward and I had a little 'friendly' (..or not so see her holding me down with her foot! ..what a cheater:) push-up competition. I won, of coarse! I think I did 14 man push ups and the only reason I stopped was because the rocks were digging into my palms. I was cranking them puppies out so fast she didn't even know what ran over her.... and if you're reading this,
Kindy, well, you know it's true:)
Ok, so the real reason she's got her foot on me is because I did it to her first...and she was cranking them out too...but I still won:)


fierce and mighty leaders!

I've repelled many times, but this was
Nikole's first time. She was pretty nervous about the
height but she really was brave! We had a really steep, crumbly climb up. It was hard, nevertheless, we made it! I told her that I saw the terror in her eyes as she was getting over the ledge. Once she got over and was on her way down, she was totally fine. Proud of you

Brooke turned 14 while we were at camp, so I brought "breakfast in bed" for her. Eclipse cup, plates and napkin...donuts, muffins and a wig to wear on her special day!

at the lake

We got to make lanyard pens. Brooke is seriously a pro at this stuff! I was feeling all good about myself because I know the ways of the lanyard..I used to make tons of things out of it 'back in the day'. Brooke can weave designs and practically spell words out in her stuff. She's hardcore and knows how to do way more than I even imagined! I highly recommend her to anyone who may be in need of anything involving lanyard!!

Tubbs was going around french braiding
every ones hair. I would have offered to help, but her braids looked so good that I didn't want anyone comparing,
lol. Instead, I got her to braid my bangs so they'd be out of my face. Thanks Aubry!!

..most of the gang...

Our fourth years finally come into camp!!

I brought this swimming pool so we could pamper ourselves a little. We had a great time and just as we were getting ready to get our feet out, Bishop Weaver pulled up, so guess what he got? ..a pedicure of coarse!! The girls loved it and he was a great sport!

On the last night, there were extra girls in our tent, so Shel and I stayed in my tent that we put up as a 'changing room' for anyone who wanted to use it. Vikki brought some of her yummy homemade salsa and chips so we let her sleep over with us:) We had a great time. Laughing and snorting and talking!!

~~~Ghosts of Girls Camp~~~
who could they be?.....