Ok, so yesterday morning started just like any other day. We woke up, read scriptures together, made sure everyone was fed, clothed, brushed teeth,
deodorant on, contacts in and got them all out the door to school. Then Allyson shows up and we start our daily workout ritual...P90X. We were only 7
mins away from being done when Brock, trying to climb up, pulled one of my
bar stools over on top of him!

They are made of iron with a wood seat. He got a hard blow to the chest, a busted lip and and I think a small bruise on the forehead. After about three or four
mins, he stopped breathing. He couldn't hold his head up or keep his eyes open for nothing! It was very scary and Allyson and I were pretty much prepared that one of us would have to do CPR on him. Allyson started to blow in his face, which would awaken him and made him take a deep breath. I ran and grabbed a frozen bag of chocolate chips out of the freezer (?? it was the first unopened bag that I saw:) while I also grabbed the phone and called 911. What were the chocolate chips for?, you might ask...well, I would put the cold bag on his forehead and then on his chest to wake him up. He didn't like it and of coarse would cry, taking deep breaths all the while.

The EMT came prepared for anything

By the time they got to my house, Brock was breathing fine but was still out of it a little.

By the time they checked him out and left, he was holding his head up on his own and couldn't hold a
Popsicle, but would suck on it.

Twenty mins after they were gone, he was happily holding and eating his Popsicle! ...all FOUR of them!!! Talk about an adrenaline rush! When the EMT decided that he was ok, they called into the dispatch that they wouldn't need a helicopter. That instantly brought back feelings and emotions in me from Jacob's near drowning so many years ago. I, once again, felt so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who watches over us!! There were several different times that Allyson and I were completely prompted and I know that it was the Lord helping us! I'm so thankful that Brock is safe and back to his good 'ol self!!
Disclaimer: The Frozen chocolate chip thing is not an approved medical procedure and should not necessarily be used in all emergency situations. Use with caution.