So on Christmas Day, we packed up our car and headed over the mountains and thru the snow...to Utah to visit Grandma! We all got so excited when we got to Beaver, Ut and saw SNOW!! We stopped for gas and ran to play in it!!! I'm sure it was totally obvious that we are from bright, sunny, Arizona bc when we got out of the car, the boys had shorts and t-shirts on...and I think once their feet touched the snow, they put their flip flops back on, LOL!! I did dig out their jackets and sweatshirts shortly thereafter:)

Jacob had ONE mission, once we got to Grandma's house....Find the BIGGEST Icicle possible! He kept quite busy with this venture and really enjoyed being in the snow. Unfortunately, there were a couple "Debbie Downer" moments bc I had to tell him to stop....I thought it was cool to see some of the icicles he came back with, however, it wasn't until about the 4th on that I started to realize that most of them are hanging off the tops of houses...and he's not that tall...so how exactly is he getting these down?? After a little investigative work and some instinctive tracking skills, I realized that he was "borrowing" Grandma's flag pole to "tap" them off of all the neighbors houses! I must say, however, after some observation, I realized that he really knew what he was doing and was quite skilled at it as well! He was very careful not to actually hit the house, but rather, to tap it at just the precise point so that the Icicle would make a perfect break! (I did advise him to hunt on Grandma's turf after that though:)

I didn't feel like it at the time, but looking at this picture, it makes me feel like I was a mysterious Arabian woman! ...in the snow...it doesn't snow in Arabia does it? AW....

This is the first time Marty has worn this huge, super puffy Braves jacket in many many years! Keeping it in storage all these years was well worth it!!

Mysterious Arabian Woman and her....mysterious man!!

We first made "Mommy & Daddy Snowmen" and it was killing Marissa that there wasn't a baby, so we bundled back up and went and made a "baby Marissa Snowman". I spent time cutting down all of mom's flower bed (that was all frozen, lol:) so we just used some of those stems for arms. Broccoli for the eyes, twigs for mouth & and originally Marissa and Jacob insisted on using bananas for the noses, but they were way too heavy and just fell off, so I think they substituted it with rocks.

...that Arizona boy still in shorts!! Marty and I ran off for some shopping together and when we got home, the kids were out playing and here's what they were wearing:) ...Marissa is sporting her beautiful Princess dress that she just insisted on taking so she could show Grandma! -Put ice skates on her and she'd be just perfect!

Marissa, in her blue Princess dress no doubt, holding our nieces new beautiful baby.

Grandma fell several weeks ago, so that's what the bruise is from. She was healing pretty fast from it, we could tell improvement even by the end of the week.

WE LOVE you Grandma!!!!!!!!